Friday, January 12, 2007

End of exams...

Finally after studying for about a week with difficulty I've finally finished my exams. It's funny how I used to be able to study so much more, I guess after working in the corporate world for a while, it's difficult to pick up those books again. It's such a releif, but I'll be starting lectures again on Monday so no real break for me. This term is supposed to be even more hectic (if that's possible) with the Global Consultancy project too.

To celebrate the end of the exams the MBAs met at one of the local pubs tonight (everything is an excuse to get drunk at the pub here, from the beginning of exams to the end of them to the beggining of term, and just cos there's nothing else to do), but I decided not to go cos I was just a bit tired and still recovering from a flue. (it's extra hard to work when you're sick!) These are the times that I miss my mom the most...

Looking forward to a new term with new challenges and rewards...


Blogger ipodmomma said...

I love your pics of London's New Year's lights! I will miss seeing those at midnight...

sounds like you had a good holiday, except for the New Year's Day activities... my purse was stolen shortly after we moved here, very unsettling...

Happy 2007! yeah for the end of your exams... :)))

3:25 pm, January 13, 2007  
Blogger Dimuthu Leelarathne said...

Well get well soon! And do better this term :).

7:29 am, January 16, 2007  
Blogger Atasha said...

I hope by now you are all better. Yay! on finishing the exams. Good luck next term

7:13 am, January 23, 2007  

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