Went through a summary of this book. Sounds really good, so thought of buying it, unfortunately the book I almost bought didn't come with the DVD, so thought of waiting and getting one that has the DVD.
I loved Steven Covey's earlier book, 7 Habits of Effective People too. It had some really good advice which I'm trying to follow my self.
This book is all about "Finding your voice and inspiring others to do likewise."
The word
inspire is derived from the Latin inspirare which means to
breath life into another. (wow!)
A small section of the book says
“I have found that by making four simple assumptions in our lives we can immediately begin leading a more balanced, integrated, powerful life.
For the body – assume you’ve had a heart attack; now live accordingly.
For the mind – assume the half-life of your profession is two years; now prepare accordingly.
For the heart – assume everything you say about another,they can overhear; now speak accordingly.
For the spirit – assume you have a one-on-one visit with your Creator every quarter; now live accordingly.”– Stephen Covey
Every area of Life would definitely be great if we take this advice.
A cool quote from this book
“All children are born geniuses;9,999 out of every 10,000 are swiftly,
inadvertently, degeniusized by grownups.” - (So that's what happened to me!!!)
– Buckminster Fuller