Friday, April 28, 2006

Living Life to the fullest

"I want to be thoroghly used up when I die, for the harder I work the more I live. Life is no 'brief candle' for me. It is a sort of splendid torch which I have got hold of for the moment, and I want to make it burn as brightly as possible before handing it on to future generations." - George Bernard Shaw

We can make miracles happen

Started today by going for Holy Mass. Something that was said in the sermon just stuck in my mind…

Today’s gospel was about how Jesus multiplied the loaves and fish. For those who have not heard of this miracle I will give a summary of it.

Over 5000 people had come to listen to Jesus’ teachings and as meal time approached the disciples suggested that the multitude be sent to find food. Jesus replied to this by saying that they should feed the group without sending them hungry. When the apostles were trying to find a way of feeding the crowd a small boy approached them with his meal of 5 barley loaves and 2 small fish. Finally they took this to Jesus, then He took the loaves and fish, gave thanks to God and gave it to His disciples to distribute it to the people. When everyone had eaten their full, the disciples gathered up twelve baskets of leftovers!

I have read this a million times but today was the first time I actually thought about the boy and his act of kindness. A miracle was performed because this boy gave up the little he had. He could have kept it to himself thinking that such a little would be useless for such a crowd and that he might end up hungry in the end, but he trusted in God and gave it up which in the end fed the whole multitude.

How often do we think that our talents are insignificant and that it’s pointless even trying to do something with them. I believe that we all have the potential for making miracles happen, if we’d only give all we’ve got and trust in God. He will take our willingness to give ourselves and touch others through us.

Thursday, April 27, 2006

I Hope You Dance

I Hope You Dance Lyrics - Lee Ann Womack

I hope you never lose your sense of wonder
You get your fill to eat
But always keep that hunger
May you never take one single breath for granted
God forbid love ever leave you empty handed
I hope you still feel small
When you stand by the ocean
Whenever one door closes, I hope one more opens
Promise me you'll give faith a fighting chance

And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance
I hope you dance
I hope you dance

I hope you never fear those mountains in the distance
Never settle for the path of least resistance
Living might mean taking chances
But they're worth taking
Lovin' might be a mistake
But it's worth making
Don't let some hell bent heart
Leave you bitter
When you come close to selling out
Give the heavens above
More than just a passing glance

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Time Killer

Just got back from another one of those 'Time Killer' meetings with a governmental organization. As usual it started about one and a half hrs late. So I started scribbling this, while waiting for the meeting to start. The meeting ended up being a total waste of time, we didn't come to any conclusions. I sometimes feel I spend most of my time at meetings and on the telephone, rather than actually designing or implementing telecom networks. It's so frustrating.
Something I've come to notice with all my interactions with public sector organizations as opposed to private organizations is how much time they waste, and it's really sad cos they could do so much more during that time. I guess one of the main differences between these public orgs and private one is in most public orgs there's no one to really monitor the employees, and no one really feels any responsibility for resources even though in the end it's our own time and money on the line.
If we had to pay, for each second imagine how we'd spend it. As Thomas Paine said, "That which we obtain too easily, we esteem too lightly. It is dearness only which gives everything its value. "

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Bomb Blast

Just heard that there had been a Bomb Blast at the Army HQ, not sure about the death toll. I’m worried that the country will go back to the terrible state when people weren’t sure whether they’d return home in the evening...

But why doesn’t this affect me the way I think it should? I mean I feel sad for those who have lost they’re loved ones and for those who are injured, but I feel rather detached from it all. Is it because I am not directly affected by it? Why???

Monday, April 24, 2006

MBAs MBAs Everywhere!!

Just saw a comment from another fellow MBA blogger. Wow, I never realized the number of Blogs dedicated to MBAs. I just started this blog cos I was planning on going overseas for my MBA in Aug/Sep 2006 and thought that this would be a cool way of keeping all at home updated about what’s happening with me, without having to write loadz of emails. I think it's also helping me improve my writing skills. It was not really supposed to be a MBA blog, but looks like it might be turning into one.

I was just going through some of these MBA blogs and they have so much info about the whole application process and the interviews... wish I had known about them earlier. I had to learn it all the hard way! Since I got into my 'dream school' Judge Business School, Cambridge, I guess I shouldn't be complaining.

When it came to finding the right school and the applications, it was the internet and email that came to my rescue (after all living in Sri Lanka it's not really possible to just drop into these schools to find out more about them); it’s like having the ‘world at your fingertips!’

One thing I learnt during my application process was that often it’s better to get in touch with the ‘top people’ in the schools (deans, directors) rather than the ‘contact us’ people, specially if you don’t fit into their ‘typical student’ profile. Since I have only 2 years work experience most of the ‘contact us’ people told me to try next year, but the ‘top people’ always replied promptly and usually said to try applying as they consider applicants on a case by case basis, and since I had a strong academic side and came from a different background. I almost didn’t apply for the Cambridge Business School cos they had put so much stress on having at least 3 years work experience, but when I wrote to one of the ‘top people’, I was told to give it a try.

So ‘Don’t give up on a business school just because you don’t fit the typical profile’

Friday, April 21, 2006

White water Rafting

Just got the pics from the white water rafting trip I went on Sunday. I decided to post pics where none of us can be recognized as I don’t think our group would be too thrilled to be on an internet blog! It was major fun. We went to the Kithulgala Rafter’s Retreat and I’d recommend the place to anyone. After the rafting trip we had a yummy traditional lunch. There were 7 rapids, but none of us fell into the water. I wanted to get the guide to topple the boat but some of the others in the boat vehemently disagreed!!!

We challenged a group of French tourists in another raft for a race and were miserably beaten after one of them started to spray water at us and our whole group stopped rowing and sprayed them (and our selves) with water!! (we’re in the red raft and they’re in the grey one)

Thursday, April 20, 2006

From Effectiveness to Greatness

Went through a summary of this book. Sounds really good, so thought of buying it, unfortunately the book I almost bought didn't come with the DVD, so thought of waiting and getting one that has the DVD.

I loved Steven Covey's earlier book, 7 Habits of Effective People too. It had some really good advice which I'm trying to follow my self.

This book is all about "Finding your voice and inspiring others to do likewise."
The word inspire is derived from the Latin inspirare which means to breath life into another. (wow!)

A small section of the book says
“I have found that by making four simple assumptions in our lives we can immediately begin leading a more balanced, integrated, powerful life.
1.For the body – assume you’ve had a heart attack; now live accordingly.
2.For the mind – assume the half-life of your profession is two years; now prepare accordingly.
3.For the heart – assume everything you say about another,they can overhear; now speak accordingly.
4.For the spirit – assume you have a one-on-one visit with your Creator every quarter; now live accordingly.”– Stephen Covey
Every area of Life would definitely be great if we take this advice.

A cool quote from this book
“All children are born geniuses;9,999 out of every 10,000 are swiftly,
inadvertently, degeniusized by grownups.” - (So that's what happened to me!!!)
– Buckminster Fuller

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

"To Thine own self be true, and it must follow, as the night the day, Thou canst then be false to any man." Hamlet - Shakespeare

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Cambridge MBA Class of 2006

Just updated my profile in the Cambridge MBA Class of 2006 group. It's cool to find out about the rest of the class who will be in my batch. I'm so excited. I'm keeping my fingers and toes crossed that I'll be able to get a scholarship or the HSBC loan.

Monday, April 17, 2006

Just one of the Guys

Being in the ‘techy’ profession of engineering and mostly hanging out with guys seems to be finally taking it’s toll on me. After 4 years of studying for my BSc Eng degree in a Uni with only about 10% girls I thought I could handle anything and come out unaffected.

I was wrong… I still can handle the 'naughty' jokes, problem is that sometimes I myself come up them! (I try not to say anything as I want to keep my reputation at work) Now I find my self losing even more of my ‘lady like’ qualities (if I had any to begin with!) after working for hours with a bunch of wacky guys everyday! That’s scary!

I have also become fiercely independent since of late. I used to look at most guys as potentials, but now, I’m just happy the way I am Wild and Free! I guess I’ve become pretty ambitious and am more interested about going for my MBA at Cambridge Judge Business School than anything else right now. Just applied for a Loan and many schols and am waiting for the results.

Right now I feel it’ll be a hassle if I have to meet someone every weekend and call everyday… I’ve just got so much happening in my life from acting in a musical production, to getting ready for my MBA at Cambridge. (hopefully if I can get the finances sorted out)

But who knows… maybe everything will change overnight if I meet Mr. Right!

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

This could be someone else's Dream...

My Life

Guess what! I've been offered a place on the Cambridge MBA programme and just paid the deposit of GBP2,600. I'm highly excited about it, but need to get my finances in order. The whole MBA comes to around 7 million SL Rupees!!!!!! I do have a few other less expensive MBAs in Canada and Aussie as back up options, but obviously would love to be part of Cambridge...
Just thought of attaching a pic I took of Judge Business School when I went there for the interview. The building was magnificent and the people I met there were really nice!

Monday, April 10, 2006

Parkinson's law: Work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion

Something I’ve noticed in my own life is that when I have many important things happening I somehow manage to complete them all and do them well. Last October I was acting in a musical production (yes me actually singing, and dancing on stage!!!) on which I spent most of my weekends and weekdays after work, I did my GMAT (aptitude test needed to get into any good MBA program) and of course had my usual work load. I actually did all three well. (Even if I do say so myself :0) )
When I have less work I some how still manage to kill the rest of the time doing nothing in particular. So I do believe that Parkinson’s Law does have an effect.
We never really “not have enough time” to do anything important. It’s simply we decide it’s not important enough for us to find time. When there’s a lot to get done we just waste less time.

Make your own Sunshine

It may not brown the skin but it sure will warm the heart.

Friday, April 07, 2006


Just watched this last night and it's a must watch for all you animated movie fans. (if you haven't already) Loved the Penguins and Mort the Mouse lemure!!!!

Here are some cute quotes
Julian: Shh! We're hiding. Be quiet everyone. That includes me. Shh! Who's making that noise? Oh, it's me again...

Maurice: What if Mr. Alex is even worse then the Foosa? I'm tellin' you, that dude just gives me the heebiedabajeebies!
Julian: Maurice, you did not raise your hand. Therefore, your heinous comment will be stricken from the record. Does anyone else have the heebie-jeebies for Mr. Alex? No? Good. So shut up.

Marty the Zebra: You're biting my butt!
Alex the Lion: [with Marty's butt in his mouth] No, I'm not.
Julian: What is a bite on the butt amongst friends? [shakes his tail at Maurice]

Did you know that there are real Fossas. (pronounced 'foosa') I just searched the web and found a pic of one. They're a mix between a dog and cat.

I also found a pic of a mouse lemur ( isn't it really cute :0) )

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Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Self-esteem Mirror

Something I've come to realize across the years (the few I've been on this planet) is that how others respond to you is a reflection of how you feel about your self.

More confident you are in yourself, the confidence others have in you increases, which in turn improves your own self esteem and has a cyclic effect.

This also works in the negative way. Others can sense how you feel about your self no matter how much you try to hide it, especially inferior feelings, and treat you as if you were inferior too. I've also noticed that the snobs are snobs only around people whom they think have an inferiority complex. In a way it is only with your consent that a snob can be that way.
So Let's ignore all snobs & work towards a world without snobs!!! :0)


Monday, April 03, 2006

“Multi – tasking – Screwing everything up simultaneously”

Was so bogged down with work today, tried to concentrate on everything at once, and messed it all up!!!! So this is my lesson for the day, “One thing at a Time!!!!!”